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What Next ?

A happy unintended consequence of Scotland’s great democratic moment has been the daily pictures beamed round the world of Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall. Crossing the city on various errands this week, I invariably found the steps full of colourful campaigners being photo-shooted (photo-shot?) So, how wonderful it would be if just a few of these people were to find their way inside this spacious building for the first time. Celtic Connections (poster visible in the this photo) is the perfect place to celebrate your love of Scotland; and RSNO (also visible) offer a genuinely accessible programme which complements the more intellectual fare from the BBCSSO down the road.

Another possibility for Scotland’s future cultural life is brought to mind by the effigy of Donald Dewar looming in the foreground. I don’t think he would have approved of the Yes badge stuck on his lapel; seeing it, I half-feared his statue might come to life, Commendatore-style, and stride up the stairs admonishing us bystanders. But I recalled how often in the past I’d seen Dewar, in his lifetime, attending arts events in the city quite voluntarily, out of interest. If Scotland’s future politicians (whoever they are) are prepared to support the arts both out of personal and public enthusiasm, what an exceptional country it will be.

(Thanks to Suzanne Jansen for this photograph.)




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